
UHM Hotfix

UHM Hotfix is a web application that allows students to report suggestions or problems they find on campus in ten seconds or less.

Visit our app now!


University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa is our campus. We all deserve a campus that is safe, clean, and beautiful. With UHM Hotfix, students make suggestions and report problems found on campus near-instantly using their laptops or smartphones. UHM Hotfix will encourage and empower students to take an active approach to improving our campus, so that we all can have a more enjoyable college experience.

Find us on GitHub!

GitHub Milestone 1

GitHub Milestone 2

GitHub Milestone 3


Tech and Frameworks Used

UHM Hotfix uses the Meteor full stack web framework, The React library, Semantic UI, and MongoDB.

User Guide

UHM Hotfix is at the early stages of development. As of now, users can create an acount, and checkout a basic layout for how the site will function.

When you first go the the site, you are greeted with a landing page the explains what the project is about.

The first thing you want to do is make a user account. Go to the top right corner of the page an click new user.

Now that you have an account, you can click on the “report issue” button on the top menu to checkout the report issue page.

Lastly, You can get a feel of how the issues will be displayed on the page by clicking issue feed on the top menu.

Developer Guide

UHM Hofix is open-source! To download, install, and run this application locally on your machine, please follow the steps below:

Please ensure you have these prerequisites on your machine:

To download the application, please navigate to a directory where you would like to download the files, and run the following command:

Download using HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/uhm-hotfix/uhm-hotfix.git

Download using SSH: git clone git@github.com:uhm-hotfix/uhm-hotfix.git

Once you have the files download, navigate into the uhm-hotfix directory and run npm install.

After that, please run npm start, and the application should be running on your localhost!

About the Team

Kenneth Lauritzen

Kenneth is a senior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering at UH Manoa. He begain his college education with an interest in electronic hardware, but is now has a bigger interest in computer software and computer science. His interests include machine learning, low-level programming, and computer architecture.

Nicolas Lum

Nicolas is a computer science major at UH manoa. His interest in coding was sparked by computer games, specifically Starcraft 2. His curiosity shifted from game developement to software engineering, which has it’s own interesting set of challenges. He has experience in HTML/CSS, JS, C, C++, SQL, Python, Java, and Swift.

Will Post

Will is a Kapiolani Community College transfer student and computer science major at UH Manoa. His interest in mathmatics led him to discover the joys of Computer Science via a research project involving data science. His interests include software developement, low-level programming, integrated systems, and data science. He has experience in C, C++, Python, Java, HTML and CSS, JS, Linux, and SQL.

Community Feedback

“UH definetly needs something like this. Their are plenty of things I would report in just the dorms alone!” - Emily Pang

“It looks ok but it could look better” - Ethan Chow

“Where was this when someone threw up in the dorm elevator?” - Leighton Villanueva

Next Steps

The team will flesh out the feed page, add comments to each issue, and add Geolocation capabilities.